It seems to be everywhere. "40 something women" who are 'living live and loving it'. Whatever "it" may be. Dating younger men, living extravagant lifestyles, going clubbing until the wee hours of the morning, and everything in between. I can understand that some women are just enjoying their life and others are in denial, trying to extend their youth as long as they possibly can until they begin to look ridiculous. When women are constantly getting plastic surgery in order to make themselves feel better, where do you draw the line? Botox has become one of the most common procedures amongst American women and after having seen the results in person, I can't help but get consumed by fear. Is this what the future looks like for those of us who haven't hit thirty? In a world of sinking war ships, oil spills, crashing economies, and failing marriages, what do we have to look forward to?
Here's the thing- am I going to end up like them? As I get closer to cementing the details of my adult life, I'm wondering what things are going to be like in 20 years. Am I going to end up looking something like a hobbit with strict rules and a crazy-bad haircut like half of the women on "Wife Swap"? Or am I going to be a self-involved gym-crazy mother who desperately clings to her youth in even more clingy clothing? Am I going to be something in between? I'm not sure, but between all of the media sources and my own experiences I think I'm going to have to find my own way to avoid being a "Real Housewife" or being a real mess. As I take these next few steps on less than stable ground, I'm just going to have to learn as I go because so far I haven't seen a good example.
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