Saturday, October 18, 2008

"I don't think it's a gay drink"

As a barista, I sometimes fantasize about being a bartender. Being that I worked alone today, I had some time to reflect on that fantasy. To me, certain things are obvious. An Espresso might be considered the equivalent of a Scotch Neat. A Blended Mocha (don't forget the whipped cream and chocolate sauce) may be considered equal to the Pina Colada - not for the serious drinker. I think the most popular drink ordered is the Iced White Mocha. The drink I would liken it to on a real bar: the Mojito
Ostensibly the most trend-following cocktail any person can imbibe, the Mojito is an imported classic that is as delicious as it is refreshing. It seems to say "Sure I don't want to get wasted, but that doesn't mean I can't have a drink." I'm fairly sure that most anyone has or will have tried the Mojito at one point and this is where I believe it has common qualities to the Iced White Mocha. 
Most everyone that has purchased a coffee drink from a coffee shop has at some point tried a White Mocha and if they haven't, chances are they probably will. I have seen all sorts of people come in and order this drink and it is almost always over ice. Some may say that this is only due to the weather, but when was the last time you saw someone drinking a Mojito mid-blizzard? That's what I thought. Anyway, the reason I mention this is that today I served this coffee concoction to what I thought was the most unlikely buyer. A man who would scare the ever-loving out of me if I had met him in a dark alley. Soaring over head in biker gear with a deep raspy voice, he politely smiled and asked for a "Large Iced White Mocha with extra whipped cream, please." As I had been previously considering this subject, I asked myself as I mixed his drink:

 I wonder if he likes Mojitos?

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